We were down to Wildwood for just one day to close up the shore house and enjoy the island one last time before everything closes for the winter. It was closing day for Mariner's Landing and their Oktoberfest celebration. It wasn't too cold, but there was some clouds and occasional drizzle. Here are some pictures from the day.

We got some Curley's and they were great. We didn't try the "beer cheese".

I had my last fix of Mack's for the year. I hope it will last me through the winter...

They were selling these huge cheese-covered pretzels on Mariner's Landing. I didn't have one, but this lady let me take a picture of hers. I should have asked her for a bite too.

I had to get my pumpkin and cinnamon Kohr's cone.

Things were pretty quiet on the beach and boardwalk.

The pier was adorned with blue & white bunting.

A lot of chairs in storage.

Where Ferris wheel cars go to hibernate for the winter.

Randy was bringing in some stuff to his arcade. I'm not sure if it was just to store or he was going to set it up.

"See you in May." That says it all...
ahh there he is! :)
looked a little 'light' on people.. But OOOO those curley fries!~ Great job on the pics. No kids pics? Miss them
awesome report as always! May seems so far away...