My son and I went down to Wildwood Saturday to Sunday to set up a security system at the summer house. The weather was great, and there were still some things open. Here are some pictures and observations.

The Robert's Ave Mack's was still open, so I managed to get one last slice before the winter. It was great and went down quick. The Wildwood Ave Mack's was already closed...and columbus day is the last day for the Robert's Ave Mack' if you want a final slice, you better get there tomorrow!

They were filling up the Wizard of Oz cards in Mariner's Arcade. This was the last weekend for Mariner's Arcade. We didn't play in there, but we did play in Ed's and got a Golden Ticket. We also played in Bobby Dees and Gateway. My son traded in a lot of our tickets at Gateway to get a Nintendo Switch. They are actually hard to get in the store right now, but Gateway had some.

One of my favorite parts of fall down the shore...the pumpkin and cinnamon Kohr's Brothers. I think it was even better than the chocolate and peanut butter!

Everything on the Morey's Piers was closed...even Curley's Fries.

We ate dinner at 2 Mile Landing...and it was busy. There weren't many people on the boardwalk...but there were plenty of people here. Our meal was good like usual.

They added waves under the big water tower in Wildwood. They really made all the water towers look nice this season.

Things got real empty on the boardwalk around 9 pm. It is always odd being in Wildwood on a Saturday night when it's still warm and the island is quiet and empty.

Randy's arcade was open and we stopped in to talk with him for awhile and play some Fascination. He didn't hire any employees this season and managed to get by ok. He doesn't know yet when he'll close for the season.

The Ferris Wheel had special lighting for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Although we were only down for one day, we managed to have a good time and enjoyed our final chance to get some of our Wildwood favorites before everything closes for the season. We will be back next month, but it will be a much different scene.
That Kohr's looks amazing. Interesting Kohrs by me in Seaside does not offer the chocolate/peanut butter combo so I can only get that in Wildwood. There being 3 different Kohr's companies even though they all have basically the same product and logo leads to some interesting product differences up and down the shore.
It's bittersweet seeing the off-season creep in when you are down there, it's like you can just see Summer slipping away from you, but the off-season brings its on beauty. I count myself as lucky to be able to experience all seasons.
and what I would do for a slice of Mack's right now...
Excellent reports as always Bill. Looks like you ended the season on a good note. Never got a chance to go down this year, not even for a day trip. I am thinking of going for a day trip tomorrow or Saturday. Have only been there in the off-season once.
Really enjoyed the late season report and pics. Thanks for the last hurrah............Warren