I've been back and forth to Wildwood during June and July to visit with my son who is working on the boardwalk. Here are some pictures and observations during those trips.

The new ghoul in Dante's Dungeon. It is located right after the old bear stunt. The Pirates of Wildwood has still not opened this season, so Dante's might be the only dark ride this year.

New sign at the body piercing place.

New signs on one of the tram carts.

New sign at this gift shop across from Adventure Pier.

My daughter enjoying the beach.

My wife enjoying Mack's and Curley's.

I have yet to see the Coke sign lit at night...but it does light up during the day. (It is lit in this picture) Perhaps the timer is messed up?

I checked out the Doo Wop Museum and was impressed by how much old neon they have working in there.

Not sure how they're being used, but I spotted some of these portable surveillance systems on the island. There was even one out on the beach.
The island seems pretty busy so hopefully the businesses are having a good summer to make up for last year. We will return to the island at the end of this month.
Heres' one of the photos i shot for Stella Star's site:
awesome report...cool to see Dante's is slightly updated. the doo wop musuem is pretty cool, haven't been there in a few years but this post inspired me to add it to my list again for this year.
Thank you for sharing. Let others who may be interested in Wildwood know where to find your post, and the forum!
Great pictures! I can't wait to be back next month! How is your son enjoying working down there?
The Pirates of Wildwood is still listed on Morey's webesite for whatever that is worth, maybe it won't open due to the shortage of workers? Curley fries looked awsome!