Our 20th annual trip to Wildwood, our 9th at the Pan American which has become our Wildwood home. I arrived on Saturday around Noon, I didn't take my usual early Spring day trip so this was the first time coming back since last Summer and the excitement makes me feel like a kid every time. There is no feeling like the final moments before you get in the car to drive down and are packing the final bags into the car in the quiet hot sunshine. The trip for me is about 1 1/2 hours down the Parkway and we made it down with little traffic.

I have been in the same room at the Pan American for several years now, it's like seeing an old friend when I open the door. This was my girlfriends first time down with the family, she has quickly become a Wildwood fanatic. We spent the day at the beach and then returned to the room to get cleaned up for dinner. On the way we stopped at Sunset Lake which was the perfect opportunity for me to propose. She said yes!!! From there we were going to go to The Boathouse for dinner but the line out the door had us change our minds. We decided to go to Mom and Pops, a new place just off the Boardwalk by Douglass Fudge. What a pleasant surprise this place was. The portions were huge and the food delicious. One of the owners came over and chatted with us for a while and was so friendly. Give this place a try if you haven't yet, and try the candied bacon. Each booth has a little TV playing old TV shows.

We spend the rest of the evening walking the Boardwalk, the Zoom Phloom was down which was a bummer but a great night taking in all the sights and sounds with my new Fiance.
Sunday morning we hang around the Boardwalk and take a trip to the Museum to pick up a birthday gift from my parents, a real cool neon sign. My music room is Wildwood themed so this is perfect.

Everyone else arrives around 3pm so we help them unpack and then head to Alosi's for dinner. We have been eating at Alosi's as long as I can remember and Maggie the owner has gotten to know us over the years, she is such a nice person. They did some redecorating over the winter and the restaurant looks great. They also opened up the sun porch type room adjacent to the pool so it's now more of an outdoor seating area. The food as always is great. the Pan American also did some work over the winter to the front of the hotel adding some new outdoor seating and the entrance area. The Morey's always do great work, I believe the new wall is covered in lava rock.

Monday-Wednesday our routine is mostly the same, we like to get to the beach early by 9:30am and stay there until around 3. The weather was supposed to be lousy but fortunately it held out each day and we had a good deal of sunshine. The ocean was a little chilly but the waves were just right. We spent the evenings on the Boardwalk. It was crowded every night but a much more normal crowd than we saw last Summer. We rode the Great White twice, my favorite coaster. We also tried the Runaway Tram for the first time this year, now I might just be a major whimp but for a small coaster this thing does get some good speed and g forces.

Great views from the Giant Wheel

We ordered Mack's Pizza to the hotel one night. I'd like to say it was great but this time just wasn't as good as usual, super greasy. I know don't ban me from the forum now lol

The view from my room. The Crest is adding new playground equipment to the little park next to the hotel.

And my parents' ocean front room

The Port Royal added their painted flags all around the hotel, it adds a lot of life to the hotel.

Wednesday night our last night we spent a good deal of time at Randy's Retro Arcade for Fascination. So much fun as always, we played some old pinball games as well. I prefer this type of arcade 1000x over the ones full of crane games that just frustrate you and take your money with no enjoyment. At the Douglass Pavillion there is a guy doing caricatures. He's really good and nice to talk to.
Our last night on the balcony, my room looks right up the main road which is an enjoyable view in itself when the beach gets too dark to see.

Our last morning's sunrise

My parents head home right after breakfast. My fiance' and I as well as my sister and her fiance' decided to hang around a little while longer. We ended up renting bikes and riding all the way to the Hereford Inlet Lighthouse. Morning bikerides are so enjoyable.

After that it was time to head back home, thankful for another year of wonderful memories. I always say the annual family trip in my mind is like another reality, every year's memories mixing together when we are all there together, as if time waits in between. The magic of Wildwood never fails if you take in every sound, smell and sight. We make it back home in good time and after dinner we felt bored after being so used to being busy. So we have a crazy thought and decide to take the quick 15 minute ride over to Seaside and walk that Boardwalk and get some Kohrs, home sweet home.

an awesome report! Love the Pan American. Maggie is so very nice.. Love your pictures
Here's a song from the electro band Tinnitis about the Wildwood Ferris Wheel. It's a cover of a song by The Sheckies, a punk band from the area. The song is on a Sheckies tribute album released on Ramone to the Bone records, a German record label. Although the home town isn't mentioned in the song, the song was written about falling in love on the Wildwood Ferris Wheel.
wow, 20 years..but most importantly congrats!!! That's awesome that you got engaged at Sunset Lake! One of my ideas is to get engaged with my girlfriend on the Ferris Wheel (something corny like, "when I'm with you I feel like I'm on top of the world" , going up as boyfriend and girlfriend, coming down as fiances) .
What a momentous trip for you. Congratulations! Great report and pics. I really love the nautical flags on The Port Royal. such a nice touch. The Pan American looks like a beautiful place. Glad you were able to visit and add to your Wildwood memories...........Warren
Also, in the photo of the Wildwoods sign, there's that sign "Surf Shop Open". There was major construction on that road this year and it blocked most people from getting there, hence the sign. My aunt lives on the top floor and manages the bike rental.
#1) Thanks for sharing. #2) I'd love to see photos from your music room. #3) I, too, love the Pan American. I never stayed there, but I photographed Stella Star there a few times, and shot a video of the rotating globe. #4) Congratulations!
Such a great report! Congratulations on the engagement! Wildwood is also a great place for a wedding (I got married on the Crest Pier). I could completely relate to what you said about coming down and staying at the same place. Every time I see the Wildwoods sign I tear up. I also have been staying in the same room for around 20 years and even got ready for my wedding there. It's like coming back home.
Your last minute trip to Seaside made me smile because we stay down until after dinner before heading home, and even then either stop in Seaside or end up going down shortly after.
Great trip report DooWopper...thanks! And congratulations on getting engaged...but where is the engagement photo??? Are you going to get married in Wildwood too?
I'm sorry the Mack's wasn't as good as usual for you. For me, a whole pie doesn't hit the same as a slice on the boardwalk. I think the slice just tastes better after it rests in the shop for a little before I get it. I compare it to a fine cut of steak...it just needs to rest.
We've been to Mom and Pop's twice this season and had a good experience both times...glad you liked it. I have never been to Alosi's...we will have to check it out.