This is a bit outdated. I was going to post this earlier this past summer, however my laptop died- along with all my bookmarks.
Back on August 7, The Dom Giordano Program on Philadelphia talk radio station 1210 WPHT interviewed Wildwood Mayor Ernie Troiano. It was supposed to be an interview about Ocean City, NJ's problem with seagulls and how Wildwood deals with their seagulls. In addition to seagulls, the interview touched on some other topics including the season in general and Pacific Ave.
Something I learned from the interview... I never knew Wildwood is known as "The blue collar Riviera".
In reference to the seagulls, the mayor commented, "They actually are our best cleaners of the beach...Without them our beaches would be a hell of a lot dirtier".
Concerning Pacific Avenue, the Mayor said, although they're trying to revitalize Pacific Ave., "Our main street basically in the summer is the boardwalk... You can't compete against the boardwalk".
Anyway, here is a link to the interview in case anyone is interested in listening to it...
in case anyone is interested, here is a link to a more recent interview from October 15, from the same radio program in which the Mayor is interviewed about the Philadelphia woman who was arrested on the beach last summer, who is now suing Wildwood. The Mayor refers to the lawsuit as a "money grab".
Link to article and audio clip...
(In both interviews, the Mayor sounds a bit nervous when commenting about his re-election coming up in November.)
Thanks for the link. Interesting
thanks. it would be great to see Pacific Ave come back but the reality is it would be extremely difficult. Unless there's a specific focus, such as more diverse restaurants (a restaurant's row so to speak) and comedy clubs and music clubs, then I can't see it coming back.